Prescribing and dispensing SatiVite products
Working with medicinal cannabis can be uncharted territory for many doctors and pharmacists.
Let us lead the way.

Helpful guidance for healthcare professionals
Working with medicinal cannabis might be new for you. If it is, we can lend a hand. SatiVite works with doctors and pharmacists to help them safely and confidently prescribe and dispense medicinal cannabis. You can contact us for personalised guidance or to set up an account.
How to prescribe medicinal cannabis in Australia
In Australia, doctors need to seek approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to prescribe medicinal cannabis. The Special Access Scheme (SAS) gives you three approval pathways to choose from – each better suited to some scenarios than others.
a. Apply via the SAS-B pathway
The SAS Category B pathway can provide medical practitioners like you with access to unapproved therapeutic goods. The SAS-B option is available when conventional treatments aren’t appropriate (and your TGA application is pending). This pathway suits individual applications only. It can be the slower of the two.
b. Become an authorised prescriber
Only an ‘authorised prescriber’ can prescribe medicinal cannabis to their own patients. Applying to become an authorised prescriber speeds up the process of access for patients and healthcare professionals alike. Visit the TGA website for the nitty gritty on application pathways and the Authorised Prescriber Scheme itself.
c. Refer to an authorised prescriber
If you’d feel more comfortable with someone else prescribing medicinal cannabis for them, you can refer your patient to an authorised prescriber. This is someone who has been authorised by the TGA to prescribe certain therapeutic goods to a certain class of patients. This pathway by passes individual applications. It can be a faster choice for practitioners and their patients.
Need Help?
If you want some guidance on the application process, contact the SatiVite team. We can point you in the right direction.
Become a SatiVite partner
Are you a doctor? Maybe a pharmacist? By partnering with us, you can get access to personalised guidance for all things medicinal cannabis: from prescribing to dispensing.

How to dispense medicinal cannabis in Australia
Just like doctors, pharmacists in Australia have to tick off a couple of requirements before they can dispense our medicinal cannabis products.
a. Have a copy of the TGA approval
Pharmacies need a copy of the patient's TGA documentation to dispense unregistered medicinal cannabis products. Each Australian State and Territory has varying requirements for patients depending upon the classification of medical cannabis.
b. Have a valid prescription
The TGA requires all pharmacists to have a patient’s valid prescription for medicinal cannabis products. This will most commonly be a doctor’s prescription, but other types of healthcare professionals can be authorised, too.
Need Help?
Regulations around medicinal cannabis can be tough to navigate solo. If you’d like some guidance, contact the SatiVite team. We’re happy to lend a hand.

Order SatiVite products
When you partner with us, you can get access to personalised guidance for ordering and dispensing medicinal cannabis.